Archive | May, 2012

ISO Standard for Building Environment Design and Safety

21 May

Help is on the way for architects, interior designers, builders, and even regulators who are looking to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of users of interior spaces. It comes in the form of a new ISO standard for indoor visual environments.

According to the ISO, indoor visual comfort means not just comfortable, healthy lighting conditions for carrying out a task. The new ISO standard—ISO 16817:2012 (Building environment design – Indoor environment – Design process for visual environment) –supplies a framework for the parameters that will shape and determine the indoor environment. Continue reading

The FDA Food Code in North Carolina

17 May

To comply with the strict Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines on food safety, the FDA Food Code, North Carolina is expected to replace a dog-eared set of regulations it introduced almost a generation ago, in 1976. For the restaurant owner and workers the new, more stringent code means, for example, that restaurant employees who are sick will not be allowed to work and cooks will not be allowed to touch ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Continue reading