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New ISO Standards for Fire Risks, Environmental Impacts of Concrete

27 Jun

Fires often cause severe injuries, deaths, and very costly extensive building damage. It is important that the circumstances that can lead to a fire be managed correctly and preemptively. Recognizing this need, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently released of a new standard for fire prevention and mitigation.

The new ISO standard, ISO 16732-1 (Fire safety engineering – Fire risk assessment – Part 1: General), is intended for fire-safety practitioners to help them evaluate fire risks of all kinds and choose from existing technologies and strategies the most effective in preventing fire. Continue reading

ISO Standard for Building Environment Design and Safety

21 May

Help is on the way for architects, interior designers, builders, and even regulators who are looking to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of users of interior spaces. It comes in the form of a new ISO standard for indoor visual environments.

According to the ISO, indoor visual comfort means not just comfortable, healthy lighting conditions for carrying out a task. The new ISO standard—ISO 16817:2012 (Building environment design – Indoor environment – Design process for visual environment) –supplies a framework for the parameters that will shape and determine the indoor environment. Continue reading

The Two Sides of ISO 14001: How Effective EMS Are

6 Jan

ISO 14001: Are you not familiar with this yet? Well, there are a lot of things as to what an ISO 14001 is, why should it be implemented and used, how is a certain body certified for ISO 14001, etc. ISO 14001 training courses are actually a set of environmental standards that are set to be used for those businesses and industries having their operation connected to environmental protection and awareness.

The ISO 14001 is mostly called as the Environmental Management System that is designed to develop the awareness of the business entities and their residents into the importance of protecting the environment from various activities done by the company entity. Continue reading